Jeff Bezos Motivational Quotes in English | Jeff Bezos Quotes about Customers | Jeff Bezos Quotes on Leadership | Jeff Bezos Quote on time

 Jeff Bezos Motivational Quotes in English , Jeff Bezos Quotes about Customers , Jeff Bezos Quotes on Leadership , Jeff Bezos Quote on time 

The best Customer Service is if the Customer doesn't need to Call you, doesn't need to talk to you, It just Works. 
Jeff Bezos

If you make Customers unhappy in the physical World, they might each tell six friends, If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 60,000. 
Jeff Bezos

I know that if I failed I Wouldn't regret that, but I know the One thing I might regret is not trying. 
Jeff Bezos


In Order to be a two-hundred-billion-dollar company, We've got to learn how to sell Clothes and Food. 
Jeff Bezos

 I don't want to Use my Creative energy on Somebody else's User Interface. 
Jeff Bezos

What you need to do is Always look into the Future.

The key to Success are Patience, Persistence, and Obsessive attention to detail. 

The Common Question that gets asked in Business is Why?
That's good Question but an equally valid Question is Why Not?
Jeff Bezos

As a Company, one of our greatest Cultural Strengths is accepting the fact that if you're going to invent, You're going to disrupt.
Jeff Bezos

Obsess about Customers not Competitors.
Jeff Bezos

It's hard to Find things that Won't Sell Online
Jeff Bezos

My Own View is that every company requires a long term view. 
Jeff Bezos

Your margin is My Opportunity.
Jeff Bezos

The thing that motivates me is a very common form of motivation, and that is, With other folks counting on me, It's So easy to be Motivated. 
Jeff Bezos

If you can make a decision with analysis, you should do so , But it turns out in life that your most important decisions are always made with instinct and intuition, Taste, Heart.
Jeff Bezos

The people who are right a lot, often change their minds. 
Jeff Bezos


Keep Our Competitors Focused on Us, While we Stay Focused on the Customers. 

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